Restaurant in Pievepelago

The Restaurant of the Hotel Valle Verde in Pievepelago offers an à la carte menu that, at any time of the year, will allow you to savor all the delights of mountain cuisine, mostly characterized by game dishes and porcini mushrooms, with the accompaniment of a glass of good local wine.

We offer local cheeses, homemade pasta and bread.

ristorante pievepelago
ristorante pievepelago
ristorante pievepelago
ritiri calcio
ristorante pievepelago
hotel pievepelago

The dishes offered by the restaurant are typical of the Tuscan-Emilian cuisine:

The dishes offered by the restaurant are typical of the Tuscan-Emilian cuisine:

Homemade pasta and bread

Local cheeses

Game dishes

Local mushrooms

Traditional sweets of our production

Renowned wines of the territory


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